Lesson: Jesus has authority over the wind and waves
1. Story:
- Tell the story of Jesus calming the storm from Luke 8:22-25 and Mark 4:35-41.
- One day Jesus and his disciples went into a boat and set off for the other side of the lake.
- As they sailed, Jesus fell asleep.
- Suddenly, there was a thunderstorm. The wind howled. The waves roared.
- The disciples — many who were seasoned fishermen — were frightened as their boat began to fill with water. They thought they were going to sink!
- They rushed to Jesus and woke Him up, “Master, Master, we are going to die!”
- Jesus rose up. He scolded the wind and the waves, “Peace! Be Still.”
- And do you know what happened? The wind stopped howling. The waves stopped roaring. And there was peace. Incredible!
- Jesus turned to His disciples and said, “Where is your faith?”
- They had seen Jesus’ many miracles. Jesus was in the boat with them. And yet, they were afraid that they would die.
- The disciples were still in awe. They said to themselves, “Who can this be? He commands even the winds and the water, and they obey him.”
2. Lesson:
- We’ve learned that Jesus has authority over sickness and death. Today we see that Jesus also has authority over nature — even the winds and the waves obey Him.
- We, too, don't have to be afraid of the winds and waves, or earthquakes and tsunamis. We can speak with Jesus' authority over them, too.
- And when we encounter challenges and problems in life, they may seem like the strong winds and big waves. Our boat seems to be flooded, and we feel like we’re going to sink and drown.
- It’s important to realise that Jesus is in the boat with us. And if He’s in the boat, we will never sink. Nothing is too difficult for Him. All we have to do is to have faith in Him and trust Him.
- If you are going through a difficult time now at home or at school, remember Jesus is there with you always. The winds and waves may be big, but Jesus is much, much bigger. We can speak with His authority into whatever situation we are in and see it calm down.
- Let’s pray: Thank you Jesus that You are in the boat with me. I do not have to be afraid of the wind or waves. I can trust in You, and You will carry me through. In Your name, I pray, Amen.
3. Activity ideas:
- Song: With Christ in the vessel, we can smile at the storm
- Song: Still (Hide me now)
- Worksheets: Jesus Calms the Storm
- Small group sharing
- One group made a large paper boat. Each kid had a chance to sit in it and share about the storms that they may be going through in life.
- Then pray for each other.

Youth Bible Study
Jesus' Miracle: Jesus Calms the Storm
Leader's Guide
Read Luke 8:22-25 and Mark 4:35-41.
1. Where were Jesus and the disciples?
Crossing the Sea of Galilee in a boat.
(in Lk 5, we learn that Jesus reached the other side of the lake to Gerasenes, which is next to the Sea of Galilee; good to show a map if you have)
(in Lk 5, we learn that Jesus reached the other side of the lake to Gerasenes, which is next to the Sea of Galilee; good to show a map if you have)
2. After a full day of ministry, Jesus fell asleep in the boat in the stern. What happened next?
A windstorm on the lake. Strong winds, big waves, boat filling up with water.
3. Do you think the disciples would have been surprised by it?
Several of the disciples were seasoned fishermen who would have been used to bad storms while fishing. This storm must have been particularly bad and frightening for them to be afraid. They thought they were going to drown and die.
4. What did they do next?
They came to Jesus, who was still sleeping, and woke Him up, saying, “Master, Master, we are perishing!” (or “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?”)
They couldn’t believe that Jesus could sleep through the storm while they were panicking away.
5. What did Jesus do?
Jesus got up, scolded the wind and said to the waves, “Peace. Be still!” And there was calm.Then He said to the disciples, “Where is your faith?”
(They had seen Jesus’ many miracles. Jesus was in the boat with them. And yet, they were afraid that they would die.)
6. We’ve learned that Jesus has authority over sickness and death. Today what do we see Jesus having authority over?
Nature — even the winds and water obey Him.
7. For discussion:
a. Jesus was asleep in the boat. Do you think the disciples would have drowned if they didn’t wake him up?
If Jesus is in the boat, the disciples would not drown.
b. What else could the disciples have done?
They could have spoken with authority over the winds and water because they were Jesus’ disciples.
c. We may not be in a situation where we are in danger of big storms. But have you encountered challenges and problems that may seem like strong winds and big waves? Have you felt overwhelmed before, like you’re going to sink and drown? Share.
It’s important to realise that Jesus is in the boat with us. And if He’s in the boat, we will never sink. Nothing is too difficult for Him. All we have to do is to have faith in Him and trust Him.
If you are going through a difficult time now at home or at school, remember Jesus is there with you always. The winds and waves may be big, but Jesus is much, much bigger. We can speak with His authority into whatever situation we are in and see it calm down.
Let’s pray: Thank you Jesus that You are in the boat with me. I do not have to be afraid of the wind or waves. I can trust in You, and You will carry me through. In Your name, I pray, Amen.
Thank you so much for this! :)