thought you had such a big problem you couldn’t solve?Maybe someone is giving you a hard time in
school eg your classmate made fun ofyou
or your teacher said something that made yousad or angry. Or maybe it’s something that happened at home.
You feel
that there is nothing you can do. You don’t even know what to do.
But do you
know that there’s nothing too difficult for God. He knows the problem you have
and He is with you. He loves you and He will take care of you.
God told
Joshuathat He will give him and the
Israelites the Promised Land. God promised that He will be with Joshua and
Joshua will be succeed in taking over the land.
The first
city that Joshua was to conquer was Jericho. Now the king of Jericho and his
people knew that the Israelites were coming to take over their city. So they
made sure that the gates of the city were safely locked. No one was allowed to
go out and no one was allowed to come in to the city.
How many of you like to run? Who thinks
they can run the fastest?
Imagine you have to take part in a
race. It’s a big competition. All the best runners will be there. What do you
You exercise every day. [get kids to do some stretching exercises,
e.g. right hand over head and bend to the left, 1-2-3-4; the other side,
2-2-2-4; the other side, 3-2-3-4 etc]
You train hard. [get kids to run on the spot for 10 seconds]
You build up your strength [get kids to show you their muscles. Biggest
muscles or most creative pose wins prize?]
[get kids
to sit down. Give everyone a clap]
Option 2: Biggest, strongest, tallest
Get children into 2 or more groups.
Issue a challenge and each group has to
send their best contender. Each kid can only come up once until all have had a
chance to participate.
Examples of challenges: the longest
hair, the biggest smile, the widest palm, the largest shoe etc.
To make it more exciting (esp for older
kids), you can just give the adjective first. E.g. “I am looking for the ‘longest’
… ”. Team contenders come forward. Then only you reveal, “I am looking for the
longest hair.”
The winning contender scores one point
for his/her team. Team with most points wins.
Yes, when you take part in a
competition or race, you want to be the strongest, fastest and the best.
But do you know, children, that
sometimes God uses the weakest and the slowest to do His work?
Why would God do that? Why doesn’t He
choose the strongest, the fastest and the best?
Because when the weak and the slow win,
everyone will know that it’s God who won it for them!
Today we will learn that God
fights the battle for you and for me!
Prepare 12
rock-shaped cards. Behind the cards, print/draw 6 pairs of images; 2 of a kind.
Mix up the
cards and paste the image-side onto the wall with blu tack.
Get kids to
come one by one to choose a card and attempt to find its pair.
Once a
match is made, the cards are removed.
continues until all 6 matches are made.
All of you have good memory! God gave us the ability to remember things and
events that happened and lessons we’ve learnt. Let’s learn about how He helped
the Israelites to remember a very important lesson in their lives.
Bring a
pitcher of water, a large bowl and a large towel.
Show how
you will pour the water into the bowl. Just pour a trickle of water into the
Then ask
for volunteers to come try to stop the small trickle of water coming out of the
pitcher. The children can try all kinds of ways of doing it, but it won’t be
able to be done.
Explain to
the children that they could not stop even a trickle. But God is able to stop a
whole river that was overflowing. That’s the amazing God we have!